The GDPR-compliant alternative to Adobe Acrobat

Our most complete PDF editor

FlexiPDF NX Universal

  • Our most comprehensive PDF editor for Windows, including automatic translation, scanning and OCR
  • Strictly in accordance with European data protection: GDPR-compliant alternative to Adobe Acrobat for businesses and at home
  • Subscription for 1 or 12 months
  • Always up-to-date with the latest features and functions
  • Licensed for 3 computers of the same household, or 1 computer of a company or organization
US$3.99 per month
US$39.90 per year
Affordable and powerful

FlexiPDF NX Home

  • Powerful PDF editor for Windows
  • Strictly in accordance with European data protection: GDPR-compliant alternative to Adobe Acrobat for businesses and at home
  • Subscription for 1 or 12 months
  • Always up-to-date with the latest features and functions
  • Licensed for 3 computers of the same household, or 1 computer of a company or organization
US$2.99 per month
US$29.90 per year